
Spa Treatments

Visit the Home of the Sauna

As an enthusiast of spas, you no doubt enjoy spending time in the sauna, which is not only relaxing but is said to have certain health benefits. But do you know its origin and where it is most popular? You… Continue Reading →

Wall Art Pieces for Spas

Spas provide an antidote to everyday life. Yes, generally, spas are designed to help clients leave feeling better than when they came in. However, there are many ways to create a nurturing spa atmosphere, and having some art pieces around… Continue Reading →


One of the most popular spa treatments is the infamous massage. It is what we all think of when we think of the spa. A massage comes in many different

Body Wraps

One more recent spa treatment that is popular all over the world are body wraps which are a newer trend. These are popular and also heavily advertised

History and Origin of Spas and Spa Treatments

Spas today are something entirely different than they were even five or ten years ago; there is an increasing focus on holistic health and wellness wi


One popular type of spa treatment is aromatherapy. This treatment involves the use of plant-based materials and scented and essential oils to address

Hot Springs

One spa treatment that actually takes place outside of the day spa and off of the massage table is the use of hot springs. Hot springs have no univers

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